Climate Change As a Mega Trend Driving Policy & Performance
December 12, 2021 | EP. 135 | Climate Trends, Consumer Preferences, FTSE Environmental Opportunity Index, Publications
Casey C. Clark, Deputy CIO and Global Head of ESG Investments, Rockefeller Asset Management

Climate Change is a Mega Trend that is reshaping economies and markets, perhaps for decades to come. Casey Clark, Deputy Chief Investment Officer and Global Head of ESG Investments at Rockefeller Asset Management, calls this the Climate Change Flow Through Effect, which he believes is positively impacting stock prices. Clark talks about how this mega trend is affecting public policy, consumer preferences, and technological advances. He highlights the impact on stock performance as seen in FTSE’s Environmental Opportunity Index, which has outperformed the traditional FTSE Global All Cap Index by 4.6% annualized over the past five years, as of August 31, 2021.