U.S. Bioenergy Industry Is Fueling the EU’s Low Carbon Transition
Jens Wolf, Vice President and General Manager, Enviva Europe
Enviva is the largest supplier of sustainable wood biomass in the world. Jens Wolf, Vice President and General Manager at Enviva Europe, explains how the U.S. has a promising opportunity to provide low-carbon renewable energy and heat solutions to enable the transition to a net zero economy, as targeted by the E.U. and U.K. Today, bioenergy is the largest renewable energy source in the E.U., with the U.S. having the potential to meet 65% of the sustainable wood pellet demand, representing an approximate trade value of $1.6B. The low-carbon profile of sustainable wood biomass allows energy and heat producers to reduce their carbon emissions footprint by more than 85% on a lifecycle basis (compared to coal) creating an opportunity for investors and policymakers to transition to a green economy.