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Podcast Archives: Circular Economy

Episode 45 | May 20, 2019

Generating Alpha Through Active Portfolio Management at Brown Advisory

Karina Funk, Partner, Portfolio Manager, and Head of Sustainable Investing at Brown Advisory

Funk shares her three criteria for choosing companies with sustainable business advantages (SBAs) for the Brown Advisory Large Cap Sustainable Growth Portfolio, which invests in companies that will thrive in a resource-constrained world.

Episode 40 | April 8, 2019

Adding Trillions to the Global Economy through Educational Opportunities for Women and Girls

Joe Keefe, President, Pax World Funds

Keefe shows how integrating global social and environmental policies that support better education for women and girls can potentially add trillions of dollars to economic growth.

Episode 38 | March 25, 2019

Achieving SDG #9: U.S. Needs $3 Trillion for Sustainable Infrastructure Upgrades

Hazel Henderson, Founder & President, Ethical Markets Media

Where does capital need to be deployed in the US to build resilient infrastructure, foster innovation, and promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization? Henderson explains how her Green Transition Scoreboard tracks the requirements for funding.

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