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Podcast Archives: Deglobalization

Episode 233 | September 24, 2023

A Global Reset in Patterns of Market Behavior Lies Ahead

Angus Bauer, Head of Sustainable Investment Research and Lazaro Tiant, Sustainable Investment Analyst at Schroders

A new regime in financial policy and market behavior is unfolding and the patterns of the past decade are facing a period of adjustment. Schroders Asset Management believes this new regime will be driven by several themes, including decarbonization, deglobalization and demographic change. In today’s Episode Three of this Schroders and SFP series we’re going […]

Episode 213 | May 3, 2023

A New Global Regime for Policy and Market Behavior in 2023

Marina Severinovsky, Head of Sustainability, North America, for Schroders Asset Management

For investors trying to get a handle on what’s happening in the global economy, confusion and uncertainty seem to reign. My guest today, Marina Severinovsky, Head of Sustainability, North America for Schroders Asset Management, brings a new perspective in today’s podcast. Schroders believes that markets are currently experiencing more than a typical cyclical turning point. […]

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